Sunday 11 May 2014

Jerrawangala National Park - New South Wales

Jerrawangala is located on the road between Nowra and Sassafras in South Eastern New South Wales.

From the top of the escarpment, at a lookout, there are beautiful views of the escarpment and the forests below - stretching through to the coast.

Jerrawangala National Park - view from top of escarpment

I went a couple of months after a fierce bushfire through the area.  I saw a lot of destruction - and a lot of regeneration - and some signs of wildlife.

The wildflowers were out in force - an amazing variety.

Of particular interest to me were the grass trees (which grow very slowly, for hundreds of years) and the banksia.
Banksia - with ant...

Grass Tree

Peter Quinton
May 2014

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