Thursday 31 December 2015

Wild: Birds

This is my photographic record of birds. 

2 Birds of Prey (Nocturnal)
Barking OwlTawny Frogmouth

3  Waterbirds
Australasian Grebe; Australian Shelduck; Australian Shoveler; Australian White Ibis; Australian Wood Duck (Yerrinbool); Black Swan; Darter; Dusky Moorhen; Eurasian Coot; Great Cormorant; Great EgretGrey Teal; Hardhead; Hoary-headed Grebe; Latham’s Snipe; Little Black Cormorant; Little Pied Cormorant;  Pacific Black Duck (Nowra)Pacific Heron; Pink-eared Duck; Plumed EgretPurple SwamphenSacred IbisStraw-necked IbisWhite‑faced Heron;  White‑necked Heron; Masked LapwingPelicansSilver GullSpoonbill

5 Kingfishers and other non-songbirds: 
Australian Owlet-nightjar; Brush Cuckoo; Common Koel; Common Bronzewing; Crested PigeonDollarbird; Fan‑tailed Cuckoo; Horsfield's Bronze‑Cuckoo; Laughing KookaburraPallid Cuckoo; Sacred KingfisherShining Bronze‑cuckoo; Southern BoobookStubble Quail

6 Honeyeaters: 
Brown‑headed Honeyeater; Crescent Honeyeater; Eastern Spinebill;  Eastern Yellow Robin; Fairy Martin; Leaden Flycatcher; Magpie-lark; Noisy Friar BirdNew Holland HoneyeaterNoisy Miner; Red Wattlebird; White-eared Honeyeater; Rufous Whistler; Rufous Fantail; Tree Martin; Satin Flycatcher; Scarlet Robin; White‑plumed Honeyeater; Yellow-faced Honeyeater

7 Flycatchers and similar species: 
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike, Grey FantailGreyShrike-thrush; Magpie-larkWelcome SwallowWillie Wagtail

8 Thornbills, Finches and similar species: Buff‑rumped Thornbill; Brown Thornbill; Diamond Firetail; Double‑barred Finch; European Goldfinch; Flame Robin; House Sparrow; Red‑browed Finch; Scarlet Robin; Spotted Pardalote; Striated Pardalote; Striated Thornbill; Superb Fairy-wrenWhite-browed Scrubwren; Weebill; White-throated Gerygone; Yellow‑rumped Thornbill

9 Other, smaller birds:  
Australasian  Pipit; Australian Reed-warbler; Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike; Brown Songlark; Common Myna; Common Blackbird; Common Starling; Dusky Woodswallow; Mistletoebird; Olive‑backed Oriole;  Rufous Songlark; Skylark; White-throated Treecreeper; White‑-winged Triller

11 Exotic, out of area: 
Fairy Penguin

This is a partial list of birds in my area. Where there is no link, I have no pictures.

Where I am aware of local (Yuin language group) First People names for some of these places, animals or birds, I have started to add them - eg Australian Brush Turkey (Djera). Within the language group (coastal/mountains South Eastern Australia), there were a number of dialects - but the names were reasonably similar.

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