Thursday 31 December 2015

Wild: Places

This is my record of wild places, photographic and reminiscences. Note that my collection of waterfalls, Cascades and Races is here.

(1) Molonglo High Plains
This is one of the oldest physical landscapes known and researched. The area is dominated by the Molonglo River and its tributaries. To the east is the mountain wilderness of the Talagada, the old volcano Palerang and the localities of Rossi and Forbes Creek. To the west, farmlands and the locality of Hoskinstown, including a number of ruins.

Overview: Locality *, 
Ancient History of the Area *

  • Weather: Molonglo DoctorFlood events - Anti-cyclones

  •             * These were originally prepared as one page leaflets for distribution by the local landcare group.

    East: Talaganda Forest

    In the east, mountains, largely encompassed by the Talaganda Forest.

    Mount Palerang
    Mount Lawless
    Yandyguinula Creek
    Bombay Fire Trail

    West: Farmlands

    To the west, the High Plains are home to a range of strong large-scale and small- scale farming ventures.  It has seen a number of important landcare initiatives.  It is home to a number of scientific and defense establishments.

    Foxlow Billabong
    Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope
    LandCare initiatives
    Ruins: Near INear IIFurther Away
    Small Farming (last heading)

    (2) South Eastern Australia


    The Deua

    The Deua is a vast wilderness area in South Eastern Australia.  From its high Western escarpment, it drops away into deep valleys.  From the heights it resembles a vast sunken area, punctuated by mountain peaks and covered by ancient forests.  

    The Braidwood District
    Between the coast and the Molonglo High Plains is the Braidwood District.  Once the local administrative capital of the area, until recently Braidwood had become a backwater.  Today it is poised on the edge of new growth - with impressive agriculture potential and rugged wilderness, forestry and park areas.  There are old mining towns and homesteads. 

    The Tinderrys

    Rise out of the Michelago Valley - a haunt for bushrangers.

    (3) The Goulburn District

    (4) Ulladulla and Milton District

    (5) Turpentine Range

    (6) Warrumbungles

    (7) Australian Capital Territory

    (8) Victoria

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