Monday, 21 November 2016

Gibraltar Falls - Namadgi National Park

This is a cascade waterfall on the Gibraltar Creek. Cascades extend above and below the falls past the creek's intersection with Paddy's River. The main cascade has a 50m drop. It is in the Namadgi National Park. There are upper and lower cascades associated with the main cascade, and a small weir near the top of the falls.

Notes: Near Canberra close to the Corin Road. This is the largest and most accessible waterfall in the territory. It consists of a series of cascade with one large drop. It has a permanent flow and hosts plants and animal communities not found elsewhere.  Bogong moths over-summer here before descending like a blanket for a couple of days each year over the nearby city of Canberra and the Western mountain ranges.
Nearby are Corins Dam and the smaller and much more difficult to find Kangaroo Creek Falls.


Main Cascade

Lower Cascades

Upper cascades

Wierd Weir


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