Saturday 23 July 2016

The Dragons Eye Diptych

A proofed collection of the Dragon Eye stories has now been finalised and will be published shortly. The diptych contains Volume One (the original Braided Tale) and Volume Two (the Eye of the Storm), and will include maps, drawings from the Canberra artist Indya.

For fun (and to learn how books are constructed) I am binding and placing in hardback the proofed versions.

I have combined the original stories into a single book:
The Dragons Eye Diptych

I have tentatively decided to build a second diptych:
The Black Dragon Diptych
Volume 3: The Shape (est 2017)
Volume 4: Running (est 2018)

In the meantime, I have built a hard back out of the (loose leaf) final proof.

Sewing the folios

Adding the center binding onto the folios (calico)

Repurposing wine boxes as the cover boards and spine

Book cover covered with calico and book inserted between covers

Adding marbled lining to finish the process


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