Wednesday 6 August 2014

Lake Bathurst and the Morass

To the east of Lake George are two smaller shallow lakes - Lake Bathurst and the Morass.  These are completely surrounded by private properties.  Although there is no public access, the lakes can be seen, in places, from the dirt road serving farms around the lakes..

Lake Bathurst

Twice a year, crows and ravens from afar descend on Lake Bathurst and the Morass, small semi-permanent lakes North of Bungendore.
Crows get bad press in sheep country – sometimes well deserved.  Originally trapped and hunted, farmers soon learnt their mistake.  The birds were feasting on grasshoppers – reduced numbers of crows and ravens led to plagues of grasshoppers.

Similar in appearance but only distantly related to crows and ravens, white winged Cough join the feast.

The Morass

I was able to get quite close to the Morass - and found it a much more interesting body of water.  It seemed to have far more wildlife on the lake - and there were beautiful reflections in the water.

Peter Quinton
July 2014

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