Thursday, 24 January 2019

Pooh Bear Falls, Buckenbowra Creek

"One day when he was out walking, he came to an open place in the middle of the forest..." (Milne, Winnie The Pooh) The headwaters of the Buckenbowra Creek rise high on Clyde Mountain close to a small cave in the cliffs of the pass - which inland children call Pooh Corner.

Parents driving to the coast by the pass distract small children from the cliffs by the road by pointing to the small cave at the top of the pass and the waterfall behind it (which only runs when it is wet, and which the kids call Pooh Bear Falls).
Parents keep the cave well-stocked with retired stuffed teddy bears for this purpose (a far cry from the explosives once placed along the pass as a last resort in World War II).

The Pooh Bear shrine

The road was once a horror, today it is a little better.
The falls plunge 150m from this point to the Corn Trail far below (you can access the creek by following the Misty Mountain Trail), but the fall of bears goes unseen, as there is no vantage from which to see it.

Beyond help, a bear below

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