Tuesday 5 January 2016


It is a standing joke, in old farming communities, when a newcomer (someone who has been on the land for less than a mandatory 30 years) names each member of a herd. 

Granted, it does not make a lot of sense to name every animal in a flock couple of hundred sheep or cattle. But there are exceptions. When the numbers are small, or with particular types of animals, it is permitted - farm horses, dogs and cats all have names. Naming confers value, personalises, confirms specific traits, or allows you to communicate with a particular animal. 

i have brought these close to my farmhouse and have been spending a lot of time with these the last while, as Lilly has been poorly. 

From left the females Delene, Lilly, Miffy, Mella, Coco and, far right, Don.

Browsing with the alpacas is a baby Chough, who fell from a nest during a wind storm. Unable to fly as yet, he (and his parents) hang close to the alpacas, who are very protective of all those that graze with them.

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