Monday 15 September 2014

Mount Lawless - Hoskingstown

Mount Lawless, rising from the foothills on the East of the Hoskingtown Plain.  

Mt Lawless is the smaller mountain - illuminated by light.  With a very small number of exceptions, the First People of this land did not name hills or mountains. Instead, names were cast on water features, and hills/mountains were identified by proximity to the water feature.  

The name here probably dates instead to early colonial times - possibly to a runaway convict from a little to the North, at the old station Gidleigh.

Because of the weather patterns, this small mountain is often illuminated while the taller peaks of the Black Range behind remain clothed in or darkened by mist.

Our native forests here 'like' to grow in communities of trees - less commonly a monoculture - often 2 or 3 varieties.  The type of community can change dramatically at a certain elevation.

On Mount Lawless, the white trunks are probably gums: White Sallee (E pauciflora) which grows together with Candlebark (E rubida).  In the same area, slightly darker trunks indicate a very different comunity of Yellow Box (E melliodora) and Red Box (E. polyanthemos). At the very top of the Mountain - and in the Black Range beyond, the tree communities switch to Apple Box (E bridgesiana).

(I thank +Laisa Gran for prompting me to add to this post.)

Peter Quinton
September 2014

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