Tuesday 9 September 2014

Canberra War Memorial - Aircraft Hall

I don't like war - my grandfather taught me to practice war no more.

I recognize the sacrifice of all those impacted by way - but at the same time like and admire technological achievement. The War Memorial helps bring some of those discordant elements into focus - sometimes with great emotion.

Today I went looking in the Aircraft Hall for a Lancaster Bomber - and ended up standing with a group of school kids for 30 minutes watching a deeply moving light show.

Lancaster Bomber: G for George

Messerschmitt  ME 163 
Rocket propelled, it lost its wheels on take off, and was designed to land on a skid.  Unorthodox in 1945 - and it still looks like something out of a scifi movie.

Messerschmitt Me 262A Sturmvogel
The world's first fully operational jet aircraft. 

Peter Quinton
Palerang  September 2014

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