Saturday 16 August 2014

If we run out of water, we just dig in the sand for it - Saint Albans - North of Sydney

North of the Hawkesbury River, North of Sydney, is the hamlet of Saint Albans.

On one of the rivers flowing into the Hawkesbury, the tidal run of the river ends a couple of miles before the city, and during drying times the river contracts, leaving its sandy bottom exposed.  Around the river, on the flats, are expansive swamps, home to abundant wildlife.

When the river dries, the locals simply dig into the sand bank.  It might be dry on the surface, but it still flows, underground, through the sand.

Near the river is an old Inn - the Settlers Arms, est 1836 (old in Australian terms).

Inside, an old man tells how he escaped the city years ago.

Peter Quinton
August 2014

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