Monday 26 September 2016

Wadbiliga Cascades: Wadbilliga National Park

The Wadbilliga Cascades are a long stretch of waterfalls and cascades on the Tuross River. Some rivers get it easy.  The Tuross River is not one of these.  Rising in the mountains not far from Cooma, it cuts a tortuous path to the coast, through inaccessible wilderness and rugged gorges.
Note that most of the river is inaccessible.

Access from the West. About 2hrs drive from Canberra to the Wadbilliga camping area (toilets and bbqs). The Wadbilliga Cascades is 15 minutes from the camping area and has a number of pools for swimming. From here a 2.2km walk to the Tuross Falls viewing platform (2.5hrs).



Peter Quinton
26 July 2014

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