Wednesday 30 July 2014

Murrumbidgee River - Uriarra Crossing - Australian Capital Territory

I love this river - it is always unpredictable.  

I used to travel each day to work across this crossing - stopping on a summer afternoon to swim in the River.

I try to go kayaking downstream through the rapids from Corree to here at Uriarra Crossing most summers.  In the past I have travelled with friends or workmates. 

Each trip has been magical.  The river is different ever time – sometimes we have to port boats between rapids – sometimes the river crashes high around us the whole way.

I cannot tell you about some of the magic – you would disbelieve me anyway.

My last trip was a bit of a disaster.  Some of the kayaks didn’t make it home... and all the support craft sank and the electrical equipment (phones, cameras) might have got a little wet, and the picnic disappeared.  But we still made it back, although it was a couple of hours later than expected.  Ok, a lot later, in the dark, but just before the support crew rang for help.

We normally set off upstream - more pics from where we start at Coree.

Mountain Creek Cascade
Mountain Creek falls into the wet forests of the Brindabella Range.
Image: Brindabella, today

Peter Quinton
July 2014

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