Thursday 15 May 2014

Experiments in animation - I

This post contains a series of images prepared in the course of learning how to create low-overhead (small size/fast loading) animations.

The images were prepared as multi-layer images in Elements and saved for web using the GIF format with a length of 15cm and a lossy factor of 30% at a variety of different animation speeds.

1: Depth perception

Two shots from a slightly different perspective with background out of focus and apparently stationary - low number of colors - movement approximates slight wind motion.

2: Star field explanations

Two groups of two images with one overlaid with text information.  maybe useful for learning star field patterns.  Annoying 'flashing light' over-all feel :)  Significant degradation of subtle star field coloration (256 max colors in GIF format).

3: Galactic movement

Potentially powerful way of showing starfield movement. This sequence of 9 frames has low color separation because of amount of moon light and high cloud in shots - in darker sequences there would be significant degradation of subtle star field coloration (256 max colors in GIF format).

4. Recurrent motion

Speed of delivery and gaps in frame make this feel like an early animation - difficult to watch.  In this frame sequence there is actually a pod of dolphins swimming just off the rocks - the pod is completely lost in the animation and the loss of color.

Peter Quinton
May 2014

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