Wednesday 23 April 2014

Australian Badlands - Tinderry Ranges - Michelago, New South Wales

Haunt to bushrangers in the 1860s, the Tinderry Ranges rise 700m above the Michelago valley.  I traveled there to scope locations described by old timers and in old papers, in preparation to riding to some of the more remote locations in the coming weeks.

The ranges themselves have been recently decimated by bushfire.  Although there has been some regrowth, the range looks even more unforgiving than usual.

Bushrangers (the Clarke brothers and the Long Tailor) took cattle and horses from stations at the bottom of the ranges at Michelago and, to the North, at Foxlow, driving them up into isolated bush camps high in the Range.

Tinderry Range

View from Tinderry Ranges - looking back to Michelago

Peter Quinton
April 2014

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